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דף אודות. לא כל-כך יש לי מה לציין אך הדף עדיין בפיתוח.  חזון בלוג זה הוא: חופש , בחירה , נחת , שלום.  לנסות לעזור ולהנגיש ידע ומידע בנושאים ...

יום שישי, 4 בפברואר 2022

VPN | is really protecting your Privacy / Safety?

VPN | is really protecting your Privacy / Safety?

once true story was when I connected to some coffee-shop-wifi and enter a netflix. and after couple of days my around was stollen / hacked. not sure but VPN services known as solution for this kind of problems

(+) VPN may help with transition between multiple networks "WIFIs" , at least as I noticed. Because you connect to VPN / same service, you like maintain the same IP Address so you can continue to download from the same link without breaking it by addressing data to diffrent IP address for example.

(+) Protecion | Man-in-the-middle attack. 

(+) By using VPN with Browser incognito mode, you can achieve some adds protecting, and by this you can protect the earth against their massive-power-consumpting-data-centers some how. 


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