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דף אודות.

דף אודות. לא כל-כך יש לי מה לציין אך הדף עדיין בפיתוח.  חזון בלוג זה הוא: חופש , בחירה , נחת , שלום.  לנסות לעזור ולהנגיש ידע ומידע בנושאים ...

יום שלישי, 28 בספטמבר 2021

W1 chip | A good earphones for iPhone.


A good earphones for iPhone.

Apple’s W1 chip.

When I was equipped with some new iPhone, I wanted to find some good Bluetooth earphone. The reason was that new iPhone s do not have 3.5mm jack connector and I was living in neighborhood with lots of neighbors.

So I chose a pair, and was lucky enough to find out that, they are had some chip...called something like W1...and,.

I bought it and its appears to do a great job.


Soo if do get accidently the new model of those Apple's phones, don't hesitate to aquae some headset with this technology.

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