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דף אודות.

דף אודות. לא כל-כך יש לי מה לציין אך הדף עדיין בפיתוח.  חזון בלוג זה הוא: חופש , בחירה , נחת , שלום.  לנסות לעזור ולהנגיש ידע ומידע בנושאים ...

יום רביעי, 29 בספטמבר 2021

DIY | Car cleaning / dealing with.

 DIY | Car cleaning / dealing with. | Try to not use an oils


Try to not use an oils, instead use use soap with water. 

try to not use oils, of any kind, to clean / do-something to the car, they are beak-down material that builed itself from petrolium etc.

oils are bad for (as I know): rubber , leather , bulbs(my burn them).

Vaseline -> oil -> petroleum? -> bad for us.

Good example to belive ,is that, many companeys sais that use it with diffrent tings may cause it to weakening it. dont use vaseline with con*ms for example.

If you ensist to use some lubricants then the best beth is:

Lubricants for Latex Condoms -> they are usually made of silicone -> Silicon(Si).


Is it safe to use Vaseline as a sexual lubricant? - The Trending Mom

Lubricants for Latex Condoms | Family Planning (

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