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יום שישי, 4 במרץ 2022

Razer | Razer Basilisk | Notes and review

 Razer | Razer Basilisk | Notes and review

Razer Basilisk Ultimate

Mouse only | | 150[d]

Mouse with Charging Dock | | 170[d]. 

Very similar to V2 mouse , but have an option work in wired and non wired mod. I tested it without the wireless dongle. 

Razer Basilisk V2 , V3. The Wired Basilisks. 

Razer Basilisk V2 | | 80[d]. 

Very similar to the ultimate but without the wireless connectivity option. 

Razer Basilisk V3 | | 70[d]

Is like to be the new version of the V3, with apparently with light at the bottom.

Back to Razer Basilisk Ultimate

It is disappointing to see no light at the bottom like the V3. But apparently it is done to save the battery life, that as I saw no last so match.

And the light sims to be like it is some cheap mouse from ebay, with option to control it but with the “terrible” Razer’s Synapse app. 

Personally I found a way to turn-off the light entirely, so this way no annoying effects, and more battery life. 

(-) not sure why Razer company didn’t add memory option to save custom personal effects on the mouse. 

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